Season 05, episode 01
“Rebuilding Life with Brush Strokes”
with Kerry Armstrong
Kerry Armstrong - Abstract Expressionist / Gallery Director
In life, whether you believe yourself to be creative or not, we are built to express our individuality whether it’s on a small scale to a large. On a small scale for those who don’t see themselves as creative it could be your music, books or film selections or how you choose to expel your energy - sport, dancing, or writing in any form. But there is also the chance, that the realities of life have distracted you from even knowing what really means something to you, and if you are expressing yourself at all? Kerry Armstrong who is a renowned and established Australian Expressionist Artist is a prime example of someone that came to the realisation she wasn’t acknowledging for a long part of her life, her own expression and individuality that was deep within her. Whether it was the relationship that she was in, or the established financial successful career, or the business of raising a family, it was drowning out her own music that came from within, until it became prevalent the desperate need for change, and to start listening to her own needs that she had ignored for too long. So we ask, how does a woman in her 50’s breakdown the barriers that were stopping her from living authentically and rebuild the Kerry she is today. And how did she get back in touch with the Kerry within?
“Every one of my paintings is like a little snapshot, or cut out of my life”
In the Spotlight with Kerry Armstrong - Abstract Expressionist Gallery Director
Do you have a favourite spot for discovering new artists or exhibitions?
Instagram is by far the most fertile online ground to discover new artists. It’s both a discovery channel and a means to easily reach out and communicate all in the same place. Just merely looking at who artists of interest follow is a powerful insight, it always draws your eye to new artists, exhibitions of interest, galleries of note and talent within the artistic realm full stop.
If an aspiring artist wanted to refine their skills, what classes or workshops would you recommend?
Depending on geographic location the advice would differ however best advice is to use the internet to draw a net around art classes near you and then research their programs throughout the year to refine the choice. There may also be very effective online classes that may work brilliantly depending on the genre.
Where do you go when you need a creative reset? Are there places in Melbourne that help you reconnect with your artistic vision?
Our farm is my constant reset mechanism. Owning a property like this is constant upkeep and physical work which I find gives my overactive brain a rest to then allow the pure creative energy to dominate when it’s studio time. I love having the two lives and lifestyles co existing, it is the perfect balance for me artistically.
Are there any international destinations that have influenced your work over the years?
I had a trip 11 years ago to New York and painted a series of works called ‘The Highline Series’ Being so far from home and exploring NY Art scene around the Highline allowed me the opportunity to paint through questions to myself regarding just when I would see the world through my own eyes after the death of both parents. My family were very much country people, and my conclusion was I could and did find great beauty in that massive city which was in direct contrast to how my parents would have experienced it. It was a ‘growing up’ experience and loving them so much more for raising us to be so resilient and such independent thinkers.
Are there any contemporary artists, locally or globally, whose work you admire right now?
So so many, I will mention one ‘Alex Kanevsky’ who is ‘somepaintings’ who I see as an extraordinary painting talent. His work is not only of ungodly skill level but both poetic and unobtainable at the same time. A beautiful balance.
Upcoming exhibitions at Studio Gallery
Studio Gallery has a constant rotating Group Show throughout the year in all 5 gallery locations interspersed with Solo Exhibitions. You can find the link here for upcoming solo exhibitions.
Other interviews with Kerry:
• Domain article – How the right artwork can help attract buyers and sell your home
• Real Commercial – Art gallery evolution: From unapproachable and stony to fashionable and inviting
• Style Magazines – Kerry Armstrong Profile
• Marshall White – Brushes with Destiny
• Sunday Life – A stately home in Melbourne’s north-east gets an impressive upgrade