episode 20
“All Mothers Work” with Virginia Tapscott
Virginia Tapscott (Mum, Journalist, Co-Founder of Parents Work Collective)
How times have changed. Over decades, a lot of our grandmothers or mothers, have led the charge in pushing for change, to support their daughters dreams to be equal in the workplace. Whilst we have come a long way, there now seems to be confusion between roles, and judgement of how you choose to parent, a ripple effect of our fight for equality in the workplace.
Virginia Tapscott has been a leader and advocate that there should be the option of choice to care for your child from home, as much as the option to return to work in our society. As a talented journalist herself, she has written impassioned articles for The Australian, and spoken to the media, including what could be called a head-to-head with Mia Freedman on Mamamia No Filter Podcast.
Since then, Virginia has founded ‘Parents Work Collective’, an Organisation which is made up of a team of parents and carers from varied caregiving and professional backgrounds, who advocate through media engagement and political submissions to relevant inquiries or community consultation and raise awareness of the devaluation of care occurring at social, cultural, and political levels.
But underneath the strength and powerful voice, Virginia is also a woman, and a mum who still must manage life, her own well-being, and the full-time care for her children. So we take the opportunity to understand all things policy and personal, with the ever so brave, Virginia Tapscott.
“I was at a point in my parenting where I just felt invisible, like I wasn’t valued, like the expectation was I should be in paid work, and somehow this wasn’t valuable what I was doing”
Parents Work Collective
An Organisation that values care work and is pushing for policy that gives parents the choice to care.
‘It's time for policy that recognises the reality of modern parenting. It's time for policy that gives parents the choice to care’
‘All Mothers Work’
Merchandise to Support Parents Work Collective
READ – Virginia Tapscott Mamamia Article
‘I'm a stay-at-home mum. Stop telling me I'm 'letting down the sisterhood'.
READ – The Memo Website
‘How The Parents Work Collective Is Changing The Way We Think About Motherhood’
READ - Virginia Tapscott The Australian Article
LISTEN - No Filter Podcast with Mia Freedman