Episode 09

“Your Health, the Epicentre of Functioning”
with Dr. Preeya Alexander

Podcast Episode with Dr. Preeya Alexander

Dr. Preeya Alexander (Practicing GP, Mother of Two, Author of “Eat, Sleep, Play, Love”, TV Presenter and Co-Host of Good Chef Bad Chef)

As we get older, life, work, family and commitments take the lead on stage, and more often than not, we let our health sit backstage until we have a moment to tend to it, or fathom what’s needing review and in-turn our medical strategy has been based around treatment when sick, rather than prioritising preventative testing and treatment. But when diving further into health, it’s not as simple as presenting for some screening and hoping for normal results, we need to look at all the facets that contribute to the big picture. And that’s where Dr. Preeya Alexander just gets it. Dr. Preeya, a practicing GP, Mother of 2, Author, TV Presenter and Co-Host on a network cooking show, has a huge online and media presence, because she believes and is passionate about all facets of health from preventative medicine, to nutrition, food morality, and the realities of parenthood, but what’s most refreshing, as the cover of her new book “Eat, Sleep, Play, Love” says “non-judgemental” which is a refreshing take, and music to our ears.

“We need to take back that fact that actually it’s really cool, and bloody okay to prioritise your self care and your health.”


Remember! Your health check looks different at different ages, but it should be done annually. Start by booking in a standard consult with your GP, to start creating your health check map on how to move forward from there!

Over 30 years old – consider a health check appointment to review these things:

  • Check your blood pressure – reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Mental Health – we often underestimate the physical impact your mental health has on your body. Talk to your GP about your mood and if you are getting enough sleep.

  • Review your food intake – how much ‘rainbows’ (fruit and veg), are you getting in every week to then review where you could make adjustments.

  • Are you getting 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days? Review with your GP how to make that happen to reduce your risk of diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, breast cancer, and bowel cancer.

  • Skin Checks – Have you had your entire body checked? Are you up to date? What is your family history, skin type and past sun exposure?

  • Over 30’s is when you present for cervical cancer screenings, so you need to check every 5 years. And self collection screenings has become an option rather than in appointment screenings.

  • Bowel cancer and breast cancer screenings tends to be for over 50’s, unless presenting concerns or symptoms.


Food Morality – change the dialogue at home to make sure you and your family have a good relationship with food!

Scratch the terms healthy, unhealthy, good, bad and junk food! Make the change in dialogue to ‘food that’s good for the brain and good for the body’.

Change referring to treats and junk food, to “sometimes foods”, take away the negativity and the fixation that perpetuates guilt and stirs up negative emotions after consuming.

Let’s not pass down diet culture and damaging dialogue to the kids!

Making fruit and veg fun for kids (aka Rainbows)!

Fact – We know that food exposures for children up to 3 years of age, 11-15 times presenting to them target foods, such a rainbows, increases the chance that a child will accept a particular food.

And even if they just touch, it’s a win! Then if they try it.. boom! Lesson is - Keep putting it on the plate.

How does Dr. Preeya Manage the juggle?

“I work really hard at the very simple stuff that is evidence based”

  • Exercise – Make a plan with your partner within your week’s schedule to find windows of where you can compromise and help each other achieve some exercise

  • Try not to drink alcohol mid week – it’ effects your sleep quality and in turn mood

  • Meditate – Try and find a window for yourself, or even do it with your kids to start them into the healthy habits. Meditation is good for reducing stress

  • Reduce my caffeine intake – try not to do more than 2 a day, especially when you have a lot on as it can add to stress and anxiety more than it can help.

  • Try to plan or organise in a diary so you can find your windows.

  • Do the simple stuff bloody well, especially if you feel like you are in a patch where you are really struggling, it will help!


New Parents Book ‘EAT, SLEEP, PLAY, LOVE’ – By Dr. Preeya Alexander

A practical, non-judgmental and honest guide to the first two years of a child’s life for a new generation of Australian parents. “People need to be empowered to make informed decisions in this space” – Dr. Preeya Alexander

Children Book “Rainbow Plate” by Dr. Preeya Alexander

Make healthy eating and a diet rich in fruit and vegetables fun, engaging and magical for children by putting a rainbow on their plate! Enjoy this adventure in healthy eating with Rainbow Plate!